๐ Welcome to CTF Handbooks!

This is a collection of handbooks for the Capture the Flag game by rubenwardy on Luanti (formerly Minetest). The handbooks are guidelines on a variety of tasks such as making maps and testing them, written primarily with the main Capture the Flag Luanti server in mind. The authors of this website and the community members gladly will welcome your efforts to bring the realm of CTF to new heights. When summed, even the smallest of steps can add up to great leaps!
โ๏ธ The Map Maker's Handbook: A detailed guide on the process of making a map for the Capture the Flag game.
๐งช The Map Tester's Handbook: A detailed guide on testing maps for the Capture the Flag game.
โ๏ธ Troubleshooting: A guide on troubleshooting commonly experienced issues during the map making or map testing process.
Contributing to the Handbooks
If you would like to contribute to the handbooks, please see the contribution guidelines.